QVALITY: Nonparametric estimation of q values and posterior error probabilities
Lukas Käll, John D. Storey and William Stafford Noble
Bioinformatics. 25(7):964-966, 2009.
SUMMARY: Qvality is a C++ program for estimating two types of standard statistical confidence measures: the q value, which is an analog of the p value that incorporates multiple testing correction, and the posterior error probability (PEP, also known as the local false discovery rate), which corresponds to the probability that a given observation is drawn from the null distribution. In computing q values, Qvality employs a standard bootstrap procedure to estimate the prior probability of a score being from the null distribution; for PEP estimation, Qvality relies upon nonparametric logistic regression. Relative to other tools for estimating statistical confidence measures, Qvality is unique in its ability to estimate both types of scores directly from a null distribution, without requiring the user to calculate p values.
AVAILABILITY: Availability: A web server, C++ source code and binaries are available under MIT license at http://noble.gs.washington.edu/proj/qvality.