background black select * spacefill #CHAIN1 - a select :A color [153,102,0] #CHAIN2 - b select :B color [102,102,0] #CHAIN3 - c select :C color [153,153,30] #CHAIN4 - d select :D color [204,0,0] #CHAIN5 - e select :E color [255,0,0] #CHAIN6 -f select :F color [255,0,204] #CHAIN7 -g select :G color [255,204,204] #CHAIN8- h select :H color [255,153,0] #CHAIN9 - i select :I color [255,204,0] #CHAIN10 - j select :J color [255,255,0] #CHAIN11 - k select :K color [204,255,0] #CHAIN12 - l select :L color [0,255,0] #CHAIN13 - m select :M color [53,128,0] #CHAIN14 - n select :N color [0,0,204] #CHAIN15 - o select :O color [102,153,255] #CHAIN16 - p select :P color [153,204,255] #centromeres select carbon color red #telomeres select nitrogen color [205,51,69] select * # show rotation gives the rotation # reset resets to rotation 0 rotate x 46 rotate y 216 rotate z 74