Workshop on the Structure and Function of Chromatin and Chromosomes

Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012, The Big Island of Hawaii

DNA in the nucleus of a living cell does not take on a random conformation but adopts canonical structures that have been ascertained with increasing precision and scale via fluoresence in situ hybridization, DamID, chromosome conformation capture and related assays. Notably, several recent studies have described the three-dimensional structure of several complete eukaryotic genomes at varying resolutions. These methods are complemented by studies that focus on in-depth characterization of individual loci and methods that provide information about local chromatin structure and DNA accessibility.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers who are developing computational methods for interpreting the expanding collection of genome and chromatin architecture data. The session will bridge several dichotomies: research groups working on genome-wide characterization versus analyzing specific loci in detail; researchers who build models along the one dimension of the chromosome and those who work with data that is explicitly three-dimensional. The session will include abstracts that describe methods for building computational models of physical phenomena as well as methods for relating genome structure and function.

Keynote speaker

Workshop schedule

Click here.

Organizing committee

Please direct questions to Yi Mao (