java -jar HMMSeg.jar --input-bed --smooth-only 800 [file-list]where file-list contains a list of all 50bp RNA data files. Note that while the TR50 data is available at every 50bp, the effective resolution is much coarser, due to loess smoothing during the calculation of that curve. Therefore, no wavelet smoothing is required of TR50. The result of interpolating the three datasets (including the wavelet smoothed RNA data) at the 1000bp coordinates of H3ac are available here:
/home/..[path to data]../UvaDnaRepTr50.HeLa.hg17.ENm001.50bp.score.bed /home/..[path to data]../UvaDnaRepTr50.HeLa.hg17.ENm002.50bp.score.bed . . . /home/..[path to data]../UvaDnaRepTr50.HeLa.hg17.ENr334.50bp.score.bedAnd similarly for rna.list, h3ac.list, and h3k27me3.list. (For test purposes, you might want to process just a single ENCODE region, in which case your .list files would each contain a single line.) The command line to segment the data is then
java -jar HMMSeg.jar --num-states 2 --input-bed --smooth 64000 --nstarts 10 --log log.txt \ tr50.list rna.list h3ac.list h3k27me3.list