Computing exact p-values for a cross-correlation shotgun proteomics score function: Supplementary data

J. Jeffry Howbert and William Stafford Noble

Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 13: 2467-2479, 2014.

spectra (.ms2)
yeast worm human-heart
spectra (.mgf) yeast worm human-heart
proteins yeast worm human-heart
predigested target peptides yeast worm human-heart
predigested decoy peptides yeast worm human-heart
target matches for all search engines yeast worm human-heart
decoy matches for all search engines

The XCorr exact p-value algorithm has been integrated into the Crux mass spectometry analysis toolkit. Crux toolkit release 2.1, containing the integrated code, is available as precompiled Linux, Macintosh, and Windows binaries, or in source form, all of which may be downloaded here. XCorr exact p-values can be computed using Crux's tide-search command with the --exact-p-value T command line flag.