The following gene(s) will be considered: ENST00000160698 ENSG00000078900.3 ENST00000164269 ENSG00000069812.1 ENST00000186985 ENSG00000073761.1 ENST00000190165 ENSG00000064218.1 ENST00000216223 ENSG00000100385.3 ENST00000219611 ENSG00000103326.2 ENST00000222002 ENSG00000105398.2 ENST00000223955 ENSG00000137090.1 ENST00000230339 ENSG00000112577.4 ENST00000246957 ENSG00000126602.1 ENST00000247270 ENSG00000126860.1 ENST00000248139 ENSG00000127578.2 ENST00000250298 ENSG00000129394.1 ENST00000254181 ENSG00000131864.1 ENST00000258455 ENSG00000135972.2 ENST00000259808 ENSG00000137275.1 ENST00000260147 ENSG00000083857.2 ENST00000261609 ENSG00000128731.3 ENST00000262027 ENSG00000166986.2 ENST00000262178 ENSG00000106018.1 ENST00000264938 ENSG00000066230.1 ENST00000266080 ENSG00000101188.1 ENST00000268978 ENSG00000141252.5 ENST00000269394 ENSG00000141579.1 ENST00000280886 ENSG00000151240.2 ENST00000281703 ENSG00000151948.3 ENST00000290495 ENSG00000101152.1 ENST00000290921 ENSG00000159692.4 ENST00000296325 ENSG00000163956.1 ENST00000296435 ENSG00000164047.1 ENST00000297261 ENSG00000164690.1 ENST00000298771 ENSG00000165862.1 ENST00000299538 ENSG00000166428.2 ENST00000302933 ENSG00000168276.4 ENST00000303499 ENSG00000170734.1 ENST00000303741 ENSG00000171327.1 ENST00000305705 ENSG00000170787.2 ENST00000307503 ENSG00000172482.1 ENST00000308492 ENSG00000173707.2 ENST00000311124 ENSG00000173638.4 ENST00000311212 ENSG00000120963.2 ENST00000314222 ENSG00000181649.2 ENST00000314289 ENSG00000063978.2 ENST00000317447 ENSG00000176715.3 ENST00000322261 ENSG00000187615.1 ENST00000322579 ENSG00000176276.3 ENST00000324411 ENSG00000181666.5 ENST00000328979 ENSG00000189418.1 ENST00000331203 ENSG00000144152.3 ENST00000331302 ENSG00000181031.5 ENST00000332388 ENSG00000182953.1 ENST00000334062 ENSG00000185989.1 ENST00000335312 ENSG00000186111.2 ENST00000337034 ENSG00000100241.6 ENST00000342139 ENSG00000133818.2 ENST00000342938 ENSG00000188985.1 ENST00000343886 ENSG00000188801.1 ENST00000343986 ENSG00000171858.4 ENST00000344092 ENSG00000189421.1 The following gene(s) were not recognized, and will not be considered: ENST00000028008 ENST00000159111 ENST00000216267 ENST00000217171 ENST00000221554 ENST00000226892 ENST00000257302 ENST00000259391 ENST00000260818 ENST00000261951 ENST00000261962 ENST00000262109 ENST00000262370 ENST00000264771 ENST00000265245 ENST00000266524 ENST00000267557 ENST00000268674 ENST00000270459 ENST00000273016 ENST00000277549 ENST00000283426 ENST00000283558 ENST00000291654 ENST00000292294 ENST00000297440 ENST00000297445 ENST00000298723 ENST00000300714 ENST00000303517 ENST00000303907 ENST00000305473 ENST00000308518 ENST00000309033 ENST00000310347 ENST00000310847 ENST00000310908 ENST00000311817 ENST00000312632 ENST00000313754 ENST00000313812 ENST00000314371 ENST00000314796 ENST00000315652 ENST00000315704 ENST00000315848 ENST00000315923 ENST00000316359 ENST00000316418 ENST00000316543 ENST00000317009 ENST00000317478 ENST00000318252 ENST00000319141 ENST00000319511 ENST00000319783 ENST00000320736 ENST00000321014 ENST00000321235 ENST00000321731 ENST00000323118 ENST00000326134 ENST00000327663 ENST00000327705 ENST00000327762 ENST00000327792 ENST00000329543 ENST00000329573 ENST00000329753 ENST00000329849 ENST00000330146 ENST00000330283 ENST00000330805 ENST00000331105 ENST00000331458 ENST00000332517 ENST00000332863 ENST00000333089 ENST00000333145 ENST00000333859 ENST00000334092 ENST00000334346 ENST00000334991 ENST00000335017 ENST00000335034 ENST00000335344 ENST00000335478 ENST00000336737 ENST00000336868 ENST00000336963 ENST00000337496 ENST00000338626 ENST00000338649 ENST00000338938 ENST00000339043 ENST00000339337 ENST00000339388 ENST00000339584 ENST00000339657 ENST00000339698 ENST00000340134 ENST00000340295 ENST00000340489 ENST00000340549 ENST00000341000 ENST00000341061 ENST00000342239 ENST00000342452 ENST00000342510 ENST00000343297 ENST00000343416 ENST00000343738 ENST00000344128 ENST00000344414 ENST00000344466 ENST00000344639 ENST00000344942 ENST00000344983 Finding terms for P -- 1 of 85 -- GOID GO:XXXXXXX TERM unannotated CORRECTED P-VALUE -4.91449547723732e-09 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE -2.04770644884888e-11 FDR_RATE 0.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.00 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 7 of 59 in the list, vs 12038 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000335312, ENST00000305705, ENST00000222002, ENST00000269394, ENST00000343886, ENST00000311212, ENST00000331203 -- 2 of 85 -- GOID GO:0007582 TERM physiological process CORRECTED P-VALUE 8.20865220669838e-08 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 3.42027175279099e-10 FDR_RATE 0.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.00 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 46 of 59 in the list, vs 8573 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000254181, ENST00000314289, ENST00000303499, ENST00000160698, ENST00000322261, ENST00000248139, ENST00000308492, ENST00000311124, ENST00000324411, ENST00000298771, ENST00000280886, ENST00000331302, ENST00000299538, ENST00000297261, ENST00000303741, ENST00000266080, ENST00000296435, ENST00000328979, ENST00000302933, ENST00000281703, ENST00000332388, ENST00000342139, ENST00000247270, ENST00000307503, ENST00000219611, ENST00000259808, ENST00000216223, ENST00000337034, ENST00000246957, ENST00000290921, ENST00000190165, ENST00000342938, ENST00000186985, ENST00000261609, ENST00000164269, ENST00000314222, ENST00000262027, ENST00000317447, ENST00000223955, ENST00000343986, ENST00000290495, ENST00000296325, ENST00000264938, ENST00000344092, ENST00000258455, ENST00000268978 -- 3 of 85 -- GOID GO:0008152 TERM metabolism CORRECTED P-VALUE 6.25212007683607e-07 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 2.60505003201503e-09 FDR_RATE 0.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.00 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 36 of 59 in the list, vs 5586 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000254181, ENST00000314289, ENST00000303499, ENST00000160698, ENST00000322261, ENST00000308492, ENST00000324411, ENST00000298771, ENST00000280886, ENST00000299538, ENST00000297261, ENST00000303741, ENST00000296435, ENST00000328979, ENST00000302933, ENST00000281703, ENST00000332388, ENST00000307503, ENST00000219611, ENST00000259808, ENST00000216223, ENST00000337034, ENST00000246957, ENST00000290921, ENST00000190165, ENST00000342938, ENST00000261609, ENST00000164269, ENST00000262027, ENST00000314222, ENST00000223955, ENST00000317447, ENST00000343986, ENST00000290495, ENST00000296325, ENST00000258455 -- 4 of 85 -- GOID GO:0009069 TERM serine family amino acid metabolism CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00314032893732998 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 1.30847039055416e-05 FDR_RATE 0.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.00 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 3 of 59 in the list, vs 22 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000322261, ENST00000290921, ENST00000342938 -- 5 of 85 -- GOID GO:0043170 TERM macromolecule metabolism CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00634582388966263 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 2.64409328735943e-05 FDR_RATE 0.40% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.02 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 18 of 59 in the list, vs 2505 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000254181, ENST00000259808, ENST00000219611, ENST00000216223, ENST00000337034, ENST00000290921, ENST00000246957, ENST00000298771, ENST00000261609, ENST00000297261, ENST00000262027, ENST00000303741, ENST00000343986, ENST00000290495, ENST00000328979, ENST00000296325, ENST00000258455, ENST00000332388 -- 6 of 85 -- GOID GO:0019538 TERM protein metabolism CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00792762362781306 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 3.30317651158877e-05 FDR_RATE 0.33% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.02 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 16 of 59 in the list, vs 2070 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000254181, ENST00000259808, ENST00000219611, ENST00000216223, ENST00000337034, ENST00000290921, ENST00000246957, ENST00000261609, ENST00000297261, ENST00000262027, ENST00000303741, ENST00000343986, ENST00000290495, ENST00000296325, ENST00000258455, ENST00000332388 -- 7 of 85 -- GOID GO:0006544 TERM glycine metabolism CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0366867702650734 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.000152861542771139 FDR_RATE 0.57% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.04 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 2 of 59 in the list, vs 10 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000322261, ENST00000342938 Finding terms for C -- 1 of 22 -- GOID GO:XXXXXXX TERM unannotated CORRECTED P-VALUE 5.34796740225829e-08 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 1.33699185056457e-09 FDR_RATE 0.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.00 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 13 of 59 in the list, vs 13000 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000299538, ENST00000335312, ENST00000297261, ENST00000314222, ENST00000317447, ENST00000259808, ENST00000248139, ENST00000222002, ENST00000344092, ENST00000281703, ENST00000331203, ENST00000322579, ENST00000280886 -- 2 of 22 -- GOID GO:0005623 TERM cell CORRECTED P-VALUE 1.41752022441312e-06 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 3.54380056103279e-08 FDR_RATE 0.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.00 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 42 of 59 in the list, vs 8166 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000230339, ENST00000314289, ENST00000303499, ENST00000160698, ENST00000322261, ENST00000308492, ENST00000311124, ENST00000343886, ENST00000324411, ENST00000331302, ENST00000303741, ENST00000266080, ENST00000328979, ENST00000262178, ENST00000269394, ENST00000302933, ENST00000250298, ENST00000332388, ENST00000342139, ENST00000305705, ENST00000334062, ENST00000247270, ENST00000307503, ENST00000219611, ENST00000216223, ENST00000337034, ENST00000246957, ENST00000290921, ENST00000190165, ENST00000186985, ENST00000261609, ENST00000164269, ENST00000262027, ENST00000260147, ENST00000223955, ENST00000343986, ENST00000311212, ENST00000290495, ENST00000296325, ENST00000264938, ENST00000258455, ENST00000268978 -- 3 of 22 -- GOID GO:0005622 TERM intracellular CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.000245359201461103 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 6.13398003652758e-06 FDR_RATE 0.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.00 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 29 of 59 in the list, vs 5182 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000305705, ENST00000314289, ENST00000303499, ENST00000307503, ENST00000219611, ENST00000160698, ENST00000322261, ENST00000308492, ENST00000337034, ENST00000290921, ENST00000246957, ENST00000343886, ENST00000190165, ENST00000324411, ENST00000261609, ENST00000331302, ENST00000164269, ENST00000262027, ENST00000266080, ENST00000303741, ENST00000223955, ENST00000343986, ENST00000311212, ENST00000328979, ENST00000269394, ENST00000302933, ENST00000258455, ENST00000332388, ENST00000342139 -- 4 of 22 -- GOID GO:0005830 TERM cytosolic ribosome (sensu Eukarya) CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00375754578981799 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 9.39386447454497e-05 FDR_RATE 1.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.04 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 3 of 59 in the list, vs 42 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000303741, ENST00000343986, ENST00000332388 -- 5 of 22 -- GOID GO:0005843 TERM cytosolic small ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukarya) CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0141460910857077 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.000353652277142692 FDR_RATE 1.20% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.06 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 2 of 59 in the list, vs 15 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000343986, ENST00000332388 -- 6 of 22 -- GOID GO:0016283 TERM eukaryotic 48S initiation complex CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0141460910857077 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.000353652277142692 FDR_RATE 1.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.06 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 2 of 59 in the list, vs 15 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000343986, ENST00000332388 -- 7 of 22 -- GOID GO:0005840 TERM ribosome CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0155755279196244 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.000389388197990611 FDR_RATE 0.86% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.06 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 4 of 59 in the list, vs 156 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000303741, ENST00000343986, ENST00000258455, ENST00000332388 -- 8 of 22 -- GOID GO:0016282 TERM eukaryotic 43S preinitiation complex CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0429739726828222 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00107434931707055 FDR_RATE 1.25% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.10 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 2 of 59 in the list, vs 26 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000343986, ENST00000332388 Finding terms for F -- 1 of 56 -- GOID GO:XXXXXXX TERM unannotated CORRECTED P-VALUE -6.67663524467343e-09 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE -3.97418764563895e-11 FDR_RATE 0.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.00 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 5 of 59 in the list, vs 11193 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000314222, ENST00000296435, ENST00000344092, ENST00000281703, ENST00000268978 -- 2 of 56 -- GOID GO:0005488 TERM binding CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00102473409663621 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 6.09960771807266e-06 FDR_RATE 0.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.00 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 33 of 59 in the list, vs 6433 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000230339, ENST00000314289, ENST00000303499, ENST00000160698, ENST00000248139, ENST00000308492, ENST00000311124, ENST00000343886, ENST00000324411, ENST00000331302, ENST00000303741, ENST00000266080, ENST00000269394, ENST00000302933, ENST00000332388, ENST00000322579, ENST00000342139, ENST00000219611, ENST00000259808, ENST00000216223, ENST00000246957, ENST00000290921, ENST00000190165, ENST00000331203, ENST00000186985, ENST00000261609, ENST00000164269, ENST00000262027, ENST00000260147, ENST00000223955, ENST00000343986, ENST00000311212, ENST00000296325 -- 3 of 56 -- GOID GO:0003824 TERM catalytic activity CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0138604228023584 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 8.25025166807049e-05 FDR_RATE 3.33% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.10 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 21 of 59 in the list, vs 3530 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000254181, ENST00000305705, ENST00000303499, ENST00000307503, ENST00000259808, ENST00000219611, ENST00000322261, ENST00000248139, ENST00000337034, ENST00000290921, ENST00000342938, ENST00000298771, ENST00000280886, ENST00000261609, ENST00000299538, ENST00000335312, ENST00000297261, ENST00000262027, ENST00000317447, ENST00000328979, ENST00000222002 -- 4 of 56 -- GOID GO:0003676 TERM nucleic acid binding CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0190189382704131 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.000113207965895316 FDR_RATE 4.50% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.18 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 17 of 59 in the list, vs 2547 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000164269, ENST00000303741, ENST00000262027, ENST00000223955, ENST00000343986, ENST00000314289, ENST00000303499, ENST00000311212, ENST00000219611, ENST00000160698, ENST00000308492, ENST00000269394, ENST00000302933, ENST00000343886, ENST00000190165, ENST00000332388, ENST00000324411 -- 5 of 56 -- GOID GO:0043169 TERM cation binding CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0274350605751956 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.000163303931995212 FDR_RATE 4.00% EXPECTED_FALSE_POSITIVES 0.20 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 12 of 59 in the list, vs 1438 of 22291 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: ENST00000331302, ENST00000230339, ENST00000260147, ENST00000314289, ENST00000311212, ENST00000296325, ENST00000269394, ENST00000343886, ENST00000331203, ENST00000324411, ENST00000186985, ENST00000261609