Supplement to "Mass spectrometrists should only search for peptides they care about"
Case study 1: Plasmodium
- Spectra in .ms2 format.
- Databases: Plasmodium and human.
- Lists of peptides and masses: Plasmodium, human
- Lists of peptide-spectrum matches: Plasmodium, human, and Plasmodium+human.
- All of the above files in a single zip archive
Case study 2: SP-A
- Spectra in .mgf format. 19 files stored as a gzipped tar file.
- Databases: SP-A and human
- Lists of peptides: SP-A and human.
- Lists of peptide-spectrum matches: sp_a, human, and sp_a+human.
- All of the above files in a single zip archive
Case study 3: honeybee
- Spectra in .ms2 format. 63 files stored as a gzipped tar file.
- Databases: virus and honeybee
- Lists of peptides and masses: virus and honeybee.
- Lists of peptide-spectrum matches: virus, honeybee, and virus+honeybee.
- All of the above files in a single zip archive
Databases are in FASTA format. Lists of peptides and peptide-spectrum matches are in tab-delimited text format.
Figure source files
Gzipped tar files containing the source files to create Figures 1 and 2 using gnuplot:
Please email with questions or comments.