
Description: Filters a list of candidate binding partners for a query sequence using an accurate model of DNA binding affinity.

Usage: hyfi-filter [options] <FASTA file>


> seq id:start-stop:strand <space> qid:query id <space> qs:query sequence

If no sequence file is given, then dg-filter attempts to read the standard input.

Output: A FASTA file with delta G and hybridization condition information appended to the header file. The delta G is computed for each sequence and the query sequence in the header. All output is written to standard output. Each output header is formatted as follows:

> sequence id:start-stop:strand <space> qid:query id <space> qs:query sequence <space> dg:delta G <space> na:naconc <space> mg:mgconc <space> t:temperature
